Sunday, September 13, 2009

I woke up this morning with Peanut snoozing right in my armpit, snout deeply embedded--thanks goodness I wasn't awake enough to be ticklish. :) She is quite the cuddler.

Days like today put a smile on my face. I am not a morning person per se, but on the occasion that I actually do get up early, I find that I am most content to come downstairs, sit on the couch and enjoy the quiet. Who knew?

I have church in about 45 minutes and I'm still sitting here with a towel on my head--now that's reLAXED! It amazes me the thoughts that pass through my brain when I allow myself to be idle. What book should I read next? (I am surrounded by all my books down here...) I can't believe the twist from that movie! (I recently watched the Skeleton Key, loved it and apparently still thinking about it) I don't want to wait 2 more days to get my paycheck...what should I wear to church...I should probably take Peanut outside...the clothes need to hurry up in the dryer...what time should I start the cinnamon rolls?

Have you ever noticed ladies that our brains are multi-taskers?

My brother Aaron stayed with me last night. Everyone else was out so he thought he'd crash here. I'm making cinnamon rolls for the two of us and Chad is coming over at 9:30 to enjoy them with us....I should probably start getting ready.

I really do enjoy these quiet moments out of my busy life.

Friday, September 11, 2009

Bad Days Better

You have made my day even in stormy weather
I’m dancing in all the rain, cause you make bad days…

Great is the way
When you come to mind
I am smiling ear to ear
Sweet thoughts of you
I’m always in the mood
To twirl around with you
While it’s raining
Even if it’s a dream

Great is the way
That I am unafraid
When I see you
All my fear goes away

Bad days are coming
Rainy days are always around
But if I can see you
One glance upon you
The sun comes out

I’m dancing in all the rain cause you make bad days better

Shane and Shane were amazing--go see them live, wow.
They didn't play this song tonight, but it's one of my favs (as well as Chad's), so I thought everyone else should enjoy it as well. :)

A day of rememberance

I was going to start my blog off with a tribute to 9/11. I started in with poetic words conjuring up images of tragedy and honor, remembering the devastation that took place 8 years ago...
Everyone felt the shock of the Twin Towers fall. Everyone remembers exaclty where they were when they heard the news and then spent the rest of the day glued to the TV.
But everyone is talking about it--as well they should since it's a day in history that needs never be forgotten. But how many are talking about it because they really still feel the shockwaves, and how many are talking about it because they think they're supposed to? I guess it doesn't matter.
With my brother officially enlisted with the military, I am more aware of the consequences of that day. He's 20 years old (my little baby brother towering over me at 6'4'') and now I personally feel those waves. It brings a fresh perspective to my eyes--and some serious pride to my heart.
Thank you to all our military--you have my deepest respect and gratitude.

The weekend is upon us. Chad and I are going to a Shane and Shane Concert tonight and we are pumped about having some QT together. Life has been busy this fall.
Always make time for those you love :)